备注中文台词英文台词选人时 不管是烈火还是深海,都取不走我的命。 Neither the flames nor the depths could claim me. 游戏开始时 我要用劈砍和射击,夺回我的岛屿。 With sword and shot I'll take my island back. 他们带走了我的船,我要带走他们的命。 They took my ship - I'll take their lives. 我的肉体,免疫火焰的侵袭。 My flesh will never burn. 比尔吉沃特,啊!我苦涩恶臭的家园。 Bilgewater - home bitter stinkin' home. 比尔吉沃特,你的国王回来了。 Bilgewater - your king has returned. 攻击时 把他们的腰子砍出来。 Hack their kidneys out. 他们对悲惨一无所知。 They have no concept of misery. 一刀砍的他们,合不拢嘴。 One slash, ear to ear. 哭喊可没有什么好处。 Crying won't do any good. 手枪还是弯刀,我都无所谓。 Pistols or blades, don't matter to me. 让他们的鲜血涂满码头。 Paint the docks in their blood. 人们讲述着我的故事。 Dead men tell my tale. 用他们的手指填饱他们。 Feed 'em their fingers. 他们的眼泪将为海洋补充盐分。 Their tears will salt the ocean. 我要和他们消遣一下时间。 I'll take my time with 'em. 我看到你尸沉大海了。 I see corpses waiting to drop. 砍断他们的骨头,就这么干。 Blade to bone, that's the way 我要把名字,刻在他们的头骨上。 I will carve my name in their skulls. 这就是比尔吉沃特的仁慈。 This is mercy in Bilgewater! 把他们扔给鲨鱼。 Toss 'em to the sharks. 剁碎他们的骨头。 Bones'll splinter. 你还没见过血吧。 You haven't seen blood yet. 他们的尸体将塞满深渊。 Their bodies will choke the abyss. 我的心是铁做的。 My heart is iron. 移动时 我要把我得不到的东西,统统烧成渣。 I'll burn it all down if I can't have it. 我要夺回属于我的一切。 I'll take back what's mine! 我在火中找到了我的憎恨。 I found my hate in the fire. 我很少忘记事情,更不会忘记仇恨。 I rarely forget, and never forgive. 一次转身,得到的是一把匕首。 A turned back deserves a knife. 把他们吊在杀手码头上。 Hang 'em from the slaughterdocks. 不要相信比尔吉沃特的鼠辈! Never trust a bilgerat! 我虽然失去了船,但没有失去灵魂。 I lost my ship, but not my soul. 我看起来很有耐心吗? Do I look like a patient man? 我从盐分和海水中重生。 I am reborn of salt and brine. 大海没有记忆,但我有。 The sea has no memory - but I do. 背叛,就像在伤口上撒盐一样刺人。 Betrayal stings like salt on a wound. 憎恨是小孩子们的用词。 Hate is a child's word. 我的仇恨将沾满鲜血。 My vengeance will be bloody. 亡的潮汐,预示着我的归来。 Tides of dead will herald my return! 大海和人们背叛了我。 The seas and men betray. 言语毫无意义,血肉才有分量。 Words mean nothing. Flesh carries weight. 被割开的喉咙,早就无可再痛了。 A slit throat is too painless. 我要一路砍回比尔吉沃特。 I'll hack my way back to Bilgewater. 仁慈已经和我的船一起沉没了。 Mercy sank with my ship. 清算就要来临了。 A reckoning approaches. 缓慢的去将是赐给他们的奖励。 A slow death will be their reward. 亡把我吐了出来。 Death spit me out. 把残忍带给所有人。 Cruelty for all. 开玩笑时 呀呵呵呵呵!(咳嗽声)有东西卡着我的喉咙了。 Yar ha har argh-! (coughs) Had something in my throat. 它们不是普通的橙子,它们是血色红橙。 They're not just oranges - they're blood oranges. 这次我有这个。 I've got it this time! 我又回来掌舵了。 I'm back at the helm. 嘲讽时 火焰在召唤。 The flames are calling. 火药味让我热血沸腾了。 The smell of powder sets my blood to boil. 要挺过这个,你需要多来点儿朗姆酒。 Survive this, and you'll need a lot of rum. 来,在烈火中考验一下自己! Come, test yourself in the fire! 嘲讽法外狂徒时 你无葬身之地,法外狂徒。但你这么任性,我想你不会介意的。 You will never have a grave, Graves. 你肯定会因为无全尸而无法得到合法的安葬,法外狂徒。但你有这么个任性的称号,你该不会介意,不是么? You will never have a grave, Graves... see, it's 'cause your name, it's... your name is like a grave, it's - I - never mind. 海底可点不到雪茄。 Can't light cigars on the bottom of the sea. 你的搭档会为你报仇么?希望如此。 Will your partner try to avenge you? I hope so. 你和亡同行的太久了,格雷福斯。 You talk a lot for a dead man, Graves. 嘲讽赏金猎人时 唯一比叛徒更恶劣的东西,就是走火。 Only thing worse than a traitor is a bad shot. 国王不的话,你是戴不上王冠的,小姑娘。 Can't wear the crown till the king's dead, little girl. 我不会给好运留下任何东西。 I don't leave anything to fortune any more. 有些赏金可不值得拿,好运妞。 Some bounties aren't worth taking, Fortune. 嘲讽卡牌大师时 在你遇到我时,你的命运就被封印了,小子。 Sealed your fate when you crossed me, boy. 海底散落着你的同类,赌徒。 The seafloor is littered with your ilk, gambler. 也许你的卡牌们会哀悼你的。 Maybe your cards will mourn you. 我不需要一手好牌来看你的命运。 I don't need a good hand to see your fate. 使用Q技能时 人人有份! Everyone pays! 渣滓! Scum! 脏东西! Filth! 使用W技能时 好受多了。 That's better. 就需要那个。 Needed that. 爽到极点。 Hits the spot. 使用W技能解除限制效果时 不是今天。 Not today! 并没有用。 How they try! 没有机会。 No chance! 没门。 Never! 使用E技能时 当心炸药桶。 Barrel! 又一个! Another! 更多火药! More powder! 烧吧! Burn! 将E技能放置的连环炸药桶引爆时 把他们连起来! Line 'em up! 连中三桶! Three in a row! 桶中之鱼! Fish in a barrel! 连起来喽! That's a chain! 连环爆炸! Combo! 使用R技能时 在炮弹里洗个澡吧! Bathe 'em in iron! 亡轰炸! Volleyfire! 炮火轰鸣! Cannons! 侧弦开火! Broadside! 购买亡之女时 诸炮准备发射! Main cannon at the ready! 给破壳者装弹! Load up the hull buster! 让懦夫们领教一下重型火炮! Heavy artillery for these cowards! 购买随意开火时 我要把炮火淋在他们身上! I'll rain fire upon 'em! 所有大炮! All cannons! 我要用所有的一切轰炸他们! I'll hit 'em with everything! 购买鼓舞士气时 火药会让他们动起来的! Powder'll get 'em moving! 在弹幕的掩护下冲锋! Charge beneath the barrage! 他们要有逃跑的理由了! They'll have reason to run! 购买比尔吉沃特弯刀时 在鲜血和胆汁中锻造。 Forged in blood and bile. 没有什么东西,能砍出比比尔吉沃特之钢还要肮脏的伤口。 Nothing cuts dirtier than Bilgewater steel. 肮脏的刀,就是要用来干脏活的。 A dirty blade for a dirty job. 购买无尽之刃时 这把剑要开始咬人了! This blade's got bite! 恩,锐利地足够在骨头上刻字了。 Sharp enough to etch bone. 这是一把剥皮刀。 This is a flayin' tool. 购买斯塔缇克电刃时 电刃在手,好处多多。 Always have a shiv at the ready. 我就爱看他们抽搐的样子。 Watch 'em twitch. 购买饮血剑时 有的时候,你得让自己的手沾满鲜血。 Sometimes you gotta' get your hands bloody. 以血生血。 Blood begets blood. 杀戮是最好的生存方式。 Killing's the only way to survive. 购买三相之力时 覆盖每一个角度。 Got every angle covered. 船长从来不会有任何盲区。 A captain can't have any blind spots. 一件万能的工艺品。 An all-purpose artefact. 回城时 我回来时会变的更强。 I'll come back stronger. 不要以为我不在,你们就能安逸。 Don't get comfortable in my absence. 我要暂时远离杀戮了。 I'm far from done killing. 插眼时 留个眼线在外面, Keep a weather eye out. 要时刻留心背后。 Always watch your back. 不要有侥幸心理。 Trust nothing to chance. 以上信息来自: